Alpha Therapy

Alpha therapy: This therapy is latest to join the ranks. Basically alpha emitters like Radium-223, Actinium are used for this therapy which deposits high amounts of energies in tumor cells leading to their death. These alphas emitters are currently used for the treatment of metastatic prostate cancers.

Benefits of Targeted Alpha-PSMA Therapy

After over 50 therapy cycles have been completed. Most patients who have undergone treatment have seen a significant improvement in their quality of life, as well as a reduction in their symptoms and pain, with each therapy cycle.

Apart from that, the expert has seen a biochemical reaction with a decrease in serum PSA levels, indicating a reduction in overall tumor load in the patient’s body.

The majority of patients have shown a long-term response, with a few patients experiencing near-complete biochemical and clinical remission for over a year.

They remain in clinical remission, and the influence of Ac225 PSMA Therapy on a patient’s overall survival will become clearer as time passes.

The nuclear oncologists used Ga68 PSMA scans to assess radiological responses before the next scheduled cycles and saw some positive outcomes, including approximately 70% tumor shrinkage in a single cycle in certain patients.

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